- October 1969: Appointment of Prof. Karl Herrmann to the chair for food chemistry at the location Wunstorferstraße. Establishment of teaching capacity and installation of spaceous laboratories for the training of students for the "Gewerbelehramt des höheren Dienste" at the technical university of Hanover and training in chemistry for biology students (diploma)
- from 1970: Research on phenolic acids and flavonoids in fruits and vegetables; forward-looking orientation on active substances in food for the prevention of diseases; widely read books on "Inhaltsstoffe von Obst und Gemüse", "Tiefgefrorene Lebensmittel" and "Exotische Lebensmittel"
- October 1978: Establishment of additional personnel for the accomplishment of the increasing challenges in teaching and the higher number of students
- March 1987: Retirement of Prof. Herrmann, provisional leadership
- October 1990: Appointment of Prof. Ralf G. Berger to the chair of food chemistry
- October 1993: Extension of curriculum in food chemistry for chemist students (diploma)
- Spring 1994: Monography "Aroma Biotechnology"
- October 1996: Integration of the organic/biochemical part of the chemistry teaching
- October 1997: Founding of the Center for Applied Chemistry (Zentrum für Angewandte Chemie) together with the institutes of technical chemistry and food sciences/human nutrition and extension of the curriculum
- 1999: Founding member of the bachelor and master degree programmes "Life Science"
- 2004: Closure of the department of chemistry consolidation with the departments of biology and geology into the faculty of natural sciences.
- 2005: Editor of "Flavors and Fragrances - Chemistry, Bioprocessing and Sustainability"
- Summer 2008: Relocation to the completely refurbished "Castle of Chemistry" in the Callinstraße chemistry campus near the "Welfengarten"
- June 2010: Founding of Basidionet
- Summer 2018: Involvement in the establishment of the master degree programme "Food Research & Development" and extension of the curriculum
- March 2023: Retirement of Prof. Dr. Dr.- Ing. habil. Ralf Günter Berger
- May 2023: Appointment of Prof. Dr. Jesko-Alexander Köhnke to the chair of the institute
- July 2023: The group of Prof. Dr. Köhnke begins research work in Hanover